well wut the hell was that?
yeah.... seriously it woulda been better if you explained it a lil more....
The imperfection of this movie defines it's unflawed perfection.
Watch with an open mind my people!
well wut the hell was that?
yeah.... seriously it woulda been better if you explained it a lil more....
er strange
nice cool wired didnt make no sence realy but if ya think about it telling your reviwers to go fuck enselves dont realy healp
al;rite tho not bad not bad at all
not bad
it was alright, a little short, but it was an alright flash.
holy asparagus batman!
it made me think..........
about stuffs
nice animation :)
the ending was a tad abrupt and you should have fitted it to the music, but overall this was really cool :) there must have been atleast a thousand drawingsin this, and the FbF animation all looked great :D
the story line was better than that of most other FbF movies, and there was a reasonable amount of colour. so well done :)