LAME! please remake without the cub dieing
A short remake of the classic animation
Animation: Sam Foster
Action script: Andrew Yin
Last second Title: Tom Gaskel
Person that did nothing: peter Foster
LAME! please remake without the cub dieing
Aww dang dude!
I don't understand what you were thinking when you made this! It's sad and really disturbing, maybe make another one but you know, not so insulting.
Utter trash
Did you make this? Because it looks like a mildly retarded 10 year old that just got raped by his dad, and then decided to rape his dog to get back at his dad, then took like 40 vicodins with 2 viagras while paint huffing and drinking drain-all, plus the fact that he is still bleeding large amounts of anus blood (due to the dad-thing). Oh and drunk off of krunk too. Chose to write this in the midst of all those events. I mean I dont know. So again did you create this filth?
umm wft?
seriously...Simba dies xD
no,not really funny its messed up in a stupid way xD
it was a missed atempt at humor. and y did u kill a loved caracter> it wasnt there for me