i didnt watch it but here a five out of five
**if you've watched kamog, kushu, or kumrama by synsacrum don't watch this one for its just a repeat.
*no real plot here, just a basic introduction to three of my characters
i didnt watch it but here a five out of five
i like your ideas alot but cant u make a story instead of fight scenes
well fights scene are what i like, (huge martial arts fan) so thats what i'm focusing on right now, but with each animation i hope to improve in all areas, story, graphics, sound, etc, so we'll just have to see where that goes.
thanks for the comment
Glad to know your still doing the "moogle" thing.
Yeah, you still can't spell moogle. :P But that is okay, becuase combining three was a good idea. It brings more length to it, and a feeling of dedication to the flash. I hope to see something great come out of this in the future, so keep up the good work..(tweening is simple)...did I think that? Oh well, keep at it. Remember there are plenty of good tutorials on this site and many others. Plus plenty of help from member's like me who are nice. Right, evaluation time.
Graphics, Your still is awesome, just sometimes sketchy, sometimes...
Style your style, and a moogle times three, can't go wrong here...
Sound, Lacking in sound "effects" such as breaking the tree,..
Violence, Not to much, but I don't like violence, so good limitation...
Interactivity, movie, not game, so that is n/a
Humor, very mild but there, so you get a slight score on that...
Overall, 8, i like it, it is a mog, and it is full of potential.
Have an EK day.
i did? ah well. glad to hear from you again, so as always thanks for the comments, and the next one i'm working on is also starting a moogle :) and i think its going to be a big step up in terms of quality so i hope you'll check it out when i'm done
Excellent - Beautiful infact
Moogles, DBZ style, realistic body movement, great animation - & great flash.
It looked like you were just concentrating in getting it up on NG fast as possible - although I bet it took you a while to make of course. I can tell you have great animation skill, Was that pretty much frame by frame?
Anyway Great Flash
yeah it was, frame by frame all the way, i still haven't figured out motion tweens really, althought the animatino i'm working on as a few of them,
anywho glad you liked it, and thanks for commenting
The choice of song was great. I happen to like moogles so i had to watch this and i thought it was short and sweet... very well done and funny... But i couldn't help but notice that none of the moogles had that little red ball on an antenna coming out of their heads... oh well : )
well i'm glad you liked it regardless, there's a reason these don't have their antennas, it just wasn't really explained in this one