Cute ^.^
I know, not too fitting as a review title for this submission, but it's rather early in the morning, so you get my 1/2 asleep impression :D
A fun, action-packed part 1 of my ninja trilogy! If you like it and want the sequels then I will make them...
Also, there is an option to skip to the fight scene or watch the whole thing, if you watch the whole thing it describes the story, but if you just wanna see fighting, then choose to go to the fight scene. Thanks have fun watching
Cute ^.^
I know, not too fitting as a review title for this submission, but it's rather early in the morning, so you get my 1/2 asleep impression :D
that was awesome. i loved the drawings the voices were wierd tho, the fighting scenes were awesome. can't wait to see part 2.
sweet thanks
it was pretty good, nice fights
thank you
I liked the fights ^ ^. And the little ninja character. The sound wasnt too great though...and...even though yes it is in japanese or wasnt needed. Besides it doesnt help the sound quality.
yes yes yes plz god ppl stop bitching about the fucking faked japanese crappy ass voices!!jeez just review the fighting plz
Not bad!
That was pretty good, nice fluid animation. The sound was really the only letdown though.
In all a good flash though :)
omg i think i should just tell everyone to skip to the fight scene so they wont complain about sensei's voice lol anyway thanks