Tapping all the buttons repeatedly = xbox live argument
This is a soundboard, not an animation, so be forewarned...and I'm not even gonna try and justify why people who don't listen to the opie and anthony show will like this.
For those that aren't in the know Opie and Jim Norton of the Opie and Anthony Show on XM radio had it out one day for over an hour, and these are snippits from that.
Tapping all the buttons repeatedly = xbox live argument
Made my day!
For a soundboard, this was pretty damn good. Buttons worked well and there were a lot of them! Some of these made me chuckle and the audio quality was great. These gadgets aren't my favorite things, but when they're welll done, I can respect them. Not bad, bro.
eh fine
-MY REVIEW- well it was not bad but there are some things you need to work like the sound of the voices and as xwaynecoltX said maybe a little animation for it but everything else i really can't complain so I say it was good i'll give it a low 10 but there is only ten so it is just ten then you get a ten well just cause I had some critisim don't find this useless i'm just telling the truth
Ok nice board here i was not to much into opi and andie but this was still ok, i love the {DESIGN} of it all, and like how you had it the one color and the lines kinda crossed in and out from one side to the next, you should add to this cause while its a decent board, you could have like a mini screen with a short image or something from the show it would show more effort on yourside, and show more to the viewers besides just sound and buttons, eventhough it is just a soundboard but i like it so nice job there, I would even ad some new and a variaty of colors on the soundboard, like where it says opie have each name a differant color or something, regardless of all that it was some decent work and very entertaining so nice job all around from this.
Some added colors, maybe some {IMAGES} to go with each button reflectiong on what the button calls for.
An entertaining soundboard