In honor of daily day, we, union and octa star, bring you our tribute!
We spent wreckless hours putting this together, and would like to thank all those who made this possible.
Happy star day everyone! <3
Give credit to audio portal users when it's due... ParagonX9 worked hard on that song asshole. (oh and my use of it was cooler :-D )
You really suck at 3d animation. You made his song look like crap. Don't talk.
that was some very good fbf, this deservesa much higher score
Thanks. People these days are too critical.
the good part
was when i had a seizure from octastars part.
I loved it
I loved it. You did a great job in the animation, and in the graphics. The music fitted very well too. Good job
<3 spintolk.
Thanks for the great review.
Happy star day.