Hey bro!
Very funny! Love the pics!
You wanted, and it's here! I fixed all the problems from the last one. No stretching, controller in the way or nothing. The controller is now movable just click the grip at the top of it. Enjoy!
Hey bro!
Very funny! Love the pics!
uh. . .
ok seriously wtf was that
i agree with the other guy, u do need a life
What the...
Hello! What do u think u are doing? Get a life! There are much more interesting clips to do than these! Come on!!!
it needs some first aid
THAT SONG SUCKED. get a variety if anything. i gave a 4 on style because i havent seen anyone use a remote thing like you had nor the background that you had but other than that it sucked. if you arent going to make it to where people can zoom on an image then tell them to right click and zoom in that way since you are cheap like that. for example "The Games" what the fuck were you thinking...oops nevermind, that was dumb question... you werent. YAY!!!! i can bounce a ball...only once...?!?!? well at least i was able to draw something pretty good...to bad i couldnt send it in to you. it might have given you a couple of good ideas of something better to have done with this post. (cram it up your A**) hope you know what the stars stand for. even though the post is set for "ADULTS". that sure was clever, make it rated for adults but then go bleep it out. what a GENIOUS. i guess you like FAT WOMEN? GROSS.
take more time before you submit an art gallery post. if you cant think of better ways to make the right art gallery then there are plenty of other gallerys here to probably jack-off to on newgrounds. (meaning-come up with something new besides art gallery posts you dumbass).
I just say come up with an idea before you try to make a game.