ha ha
this was really funny
Hi, I am Vincént and this is El Hado(The Destiny)
I hope you have fun watching this animation and that you get the meaning.
*note* I know the replaybutton is not working good, excuse me for that.
ha ha
this was really funny
not bad
a little short, but the graphics were cool and it was an alright movie too.
Simple graphics, funny bits, and still suitable for all; ya gotta love that.
When a little guy pulls a prank on another little guy, he realises that he will probably get in trouble so he must escape... In doing so, he learns a lesson and then it begins to get absurd! Your little characters are very simple in design and look a bit like the Little Caeser's "Pizza! Pizza!" guy. A very simple movie with fun little outcomes from each act of revenge by the two characters. The actions are unique, my personal favorite being the oil spill. That wa sthe most surprising of the lot.
he he this is neat :)
not much say but other than it was neat i gusse teh sound wasent all that great but :)