with this video I started to listen to hatebreed
This was the sequel to "I Like To Beat Things With My Bat" that I started in 2002, but never finished. I now know I'm not ever going to finish it, so instead of letting it forever rot on my HD, here it is. This is just a tiny beginning to what was going to happen. It was going to get really REALLY insane and disgusting when johnny ventured to the city.
with this video I started to listen to hatebreed
One of the funniest cartoons on newgrounds.
Short, sweet, incredible.
I dont know where you have been since your last animation, but i hope you didnt die in a gruesome car accident or of a drug overdose.
note: smash dog, close up of dog, guts come out mouth REALLY nastily and throat-thumpily: go in this sequence: uh..............uh....uh......
let me finsh this animation for you(not kidding)
that was great but i know guys say finsh it and stuff. so if you say (yes) or (no) yes i will finsh it for you. if the anwser is no then i won't do it. it will up to you to decide. p.s jeez those chillies must stung the bloody heck out of him.
Hmmmm that was an okay one, But needed to be a little bit longer.