no need to say..
it aint funny at all
List Of New Features Currently Being Implemented:
-Many more upgrades!
-Totally redone graphics
-Fixes to current problems like the lock up at level 13
-Different Means Of Destroying Ships
-Edit- It seems that alot of you judging on reviews think this has potential so I will continue with thise project when finished it will contain better graphics(100% redone) music and sound alot more upgrade and more then just clicking :p
This was for a school project but I ran out of time and was never able to completely finish it. Its been sitting on my computer for awhile now so I decided to put it up and see if you guys like it if you do I'll continue working on it making better graphics a menu and the ability to save, also more ships and upgrades.
no need to say..
it aint funny at all
not bad
Needs some work but if u dont give up on it u could make a pretty fun game, hell i was playin that one 4 about 10 minutes.hope it doesnt get blammed
This game has a lot of problems but it is still a good game when it is finished I would like to play it. Don't give up on it.
same explosions
same crappy drawn ships
barly enuff sound
no upgrades
unseen looks likes its too good for you to make thats why you havent finshed it in almost a year
i knew 4 ppl who voted 0 on this everyday for like 2 months..HA
Wow so you know 4 people who have absolutely no life congratulations I'm impressed. Also Unseen looks like its to good for me to finish? Ha you are retarded I finished it a long time ago sold the code to someone and haven't seen it since, buddy I could code your mom, but shes so huge it would take a while.
Not any good
Alright, first of all, to the dumbasses saying this is stolen, STFU! This is not stolen, it's just a crappy remake of domenic Defence.
As for the game, I would've given you a higher score if: You had sound, more upgrades, and not a remake of something else (unless it was incredible, but it wasn't)
Next time, if you're going to do something like this, please add sound. And more upgrades would be better.