Love ure slow mo
THat was awesome mate. URe SLow motions rocks and music aint too bad either.
"The Losing Battle"
Love ure slow mo
THat was awesome mate. URe SLow motions rocks and music aint too bad either.
He hee
I loved it... The arm in the back of the head was hilarious... The story didn't advance very far but the animation was the best you have had!!! Loved the ninja red x guys... Love the style.. Keep up the terrific work and remember that you can always improve!!! :P
i think this is some damn good stuff, very nice fight scene in my opinion.
he graphics were quite nice and the character's shapes looked realistic. the animation was very smooth, and all of the fighting was fluent, brutal and fast paced.
i enjoyed the sound effects you put in, and you timed them very well.
overall, great ending, and a well made battle.
Good job wow, I liked the sound of course...I loved your style, even for how simple it was. Great fight scene.
Keep up the good work.
i liked it overall
graphics were good
style was good. the cutscenes made it more worthwhile
sound was fine 10 outta me
violence needless to say was great
humor, not much of it but i liked when the guy hit the other guy with his arm
make the characters better in the next one