This was horrible, offensive, and really messed up. How could you talk about the Red Lake Shooting like that? How did this make it on here? Why?
Watch my 'MTV News' and 'MTV 2 News' first to follow this one.
This was horrible, offensive, and really messed up. How could you talk about the Red Lake Shooting like that? How did this make it on here? Why?
What the fuck do you care about the 'Red Lake Shooting'?
It was a slaughter from a nutcase.
I didn't say anything more than what the typical journalist said about it, and I mildly made fun of the kid that did it.
What do you know about this kid? Nothin'. Don't worry about it. As much as we know, he's no different from you or I, and I will joke on you or I. This guy just made an error or killing random people. So now he is going to be made fun of for it in death. Same goes for Kurt. He shot himself. He has no integrity now. Making fun of him doesn't do any harm.
You've certainly gained the title for getting a "1" on this.
Well this is my personal opinion, someone else at best might give this a 2. Maybe 3 if very very generous.
You butt head ...
I kinda was diggin it, till you Blammed Kurt Cobain ... That's no good - Homey
You butt head ... heh-heh
'The PP'
I "blammed" Kurt Cobain? (Cannot comply)
But all I did was use his decapitated, bleeding head. Seriously, it's no worse than he did to himself. Not to mention when he had a wife and kid depending on him. Look what he left his kid with. Courtney Love. A fuckin' crack whore.
I don't think Kurt didn't have this coming.
Nonetheless, Nirvana's great.
i dunno if it's just me but....
...i culd swear that was u in the picture
Maybe you do 'chicks' named Michael where you come from, but I'm very much male, and very much not that fuckin' picture, dumbguy.
i have to say one thing.
Remember that God still loves you even though you didn't do the best with this flash. and one more thing i hope if they let me submit this cause it so short. well ok lets hope that you keep this flash thing up. i mean your pretty good at it im sure.
No HTML, and no promotion of unrelated web sites OR SO HELP ME GOD.
Error - it's been a very short amount of time since you left your last review. Please put more thought into the reviews you're making. Please go back and try again.
Oh thank God God forgives me for not doing the best on my flash..
So what about the part where I got Cobain's head flingin' around? Is he ok with that too?