i cant believe your teacher didnt kill you for making such crap.
it was your voice.
it sucked.
everything else was awesome.
school project :| done overnight because of procrastination :)
i cant believe your teacher didnt kill you for making such crap.
it was your voice.
it sucked.
everything else was awesome.
Pretty good
Pretty good!
Wow!! That was.......................awful! Realy really crap. The animation was fine though! It was just a really crap movie!
You should've used those 'samurai skillz' to put into an action film, everyone loves action films!!
Are you that interested in samurais? Get alife.
Definition much?
Basically this is a cute definition of the current romanticized of what it is to be a samurai. As silly as it sounds, the History Channel actually did a piece on Samurai History in Fall '03. To learn more of where they started from (mercs paid by land) and to what they endured (various wars and social class restructuring) it would be best to view the History Channel and like sources.
While everything mentioned in this movie is true it is not the entirety of what being a samurai is. Nowadays, the samurai is to the East as the cowboys were to the West (USA mainly). But whereas the cowboys lasted about 20-30 yeras, the samurai lasted over 100 so they have more information to glean from.
Good current definition. You show potential to do better.