This is a weird flash and rand,
but soo funny, if it would last long, my brain would explode haha.
Heard this audio clip a while back while listening to Dr Demento (dont know why). Thought it was pretty random and seemed real neat the way they made an actual song at the end with the pattern of words. Not the greatest animation but just something I wanted to do :) Enjoy.
This is a weird flash and rand,
but soo funny, if it would last long, my brain would explode haha.
Mucklacks. Do the eskimo's wear galashes?
At least the movie is way more sophisticated than 'homieliscious.' You go, mai caucasian brutha.
fuck you
you stole my title you asswipe. how fucking original
Sucks to be you I guess.
That was hilarious.
Way better then that stupid sonic toon on the main page. The whole thing made me giggle, especailly when the new guy busts out with "Macadamia". A very amusing little cartoon, while the graphic could have been better, they worked.