Meh, it's okay. I can see you tried very hard, that's a good thing. But why the link to a shock site? All in all, a middle of the road animation for its time.
This is my first attempt at a musical flash...and its very hard so do give me a break :P. Watch in LOW QUALITY for the best results...seriously...otherwise its just crappy. (not like it isnt anyway) its a very hard thing to do...a musical flash..especially when you have an empty head :S. Well anyway try and enjoy..its My Sweet Shadow by In Flames.
Meh, it's okay. I can see you tried very hard, that's a good thing. But why the link to a shock site? All in all, a middle of the road animation for its time.
You get a 6 because I like the song and the red eye cloaked things were pretty cool.
And You KNOW you deserve a 3 for animation.
Wait- fuik that you get a 1 because thats the first time I have ever seen lemon party.
yo9u popped my lemon party cherry you dick.
ok 6
All right, that wasn't that bad. I love the song, and I see that you actually tried. I would have prefered to see the full thing, but it's fine that you didn't. Also, to the douche bag named Lextor, you are a moron. Look up the lyrics to the song, it says "My sweet shadow, to you I look no longer". Plus there are worse animations. But overall, nice try.
Well the music was good but the flash was,bleh.
it was OK
The song kicks ass but the graphics weren't the best