X-Clock's was great, the other two... not so much...
keep up the.. uh.. work...
The Clockcrew Time Trials comes at you again!
Same challenge, three new artists. Yoyo, Barcode, and X, three underdog animators, came togather to bring you this.
So sit back and enjoy
Update: Fixed menu bug.
X-Clock's was great, the other two... not so much...
keep up the.. uh.. work...
I like yoyos part, Xs part was a bit to much .flas which where pretty simplistic...
Barcodas was cool, but to short =]
Four because of the "im so sorry"
They were great
I didn't expect anyone to like my part
Oh well
Pretty good
YoYo's actually made me laugh, though I think the intentional crappiness of the later part is part of the reason this got a low score. >_>
Oh and I forgot to say in the other review, the preview image is crap =\
Good overall, though :P
No review, just submissiveness...
"If I have four Gozillas and a (picachu type thingy) in one hand and a severed hand in my other hand, what is the square root of five?" That just about says enough. Awsome.