gho kralos!
This is episode 2 for the mini-series - HCP Videos. This episode is much funnier then the first, longer, and has voice acting/sounds/music! Wow! Sorry about the file size AND how the guy gets cut off.
ItchyBarracuda and I really enjoy feedback. Please post your thoughts.
gho kralos!
random but funny
sweet now he mad doctor cliner funny good job
Very nice movie man,
i got Garrysmod too :)
make something very big that stomps him or so.
(P.S. Garrysmod rules.)
Great job!
I see your using V.7? id love too see one in 9! it would rock so much, anyway i want to tell you you know royce? dont listen too him cause anyone who loves Piconjo is either a Homosexual or some 11 year old who pisses people off for absolutly not reason, and his Website, or favorite website, is guess what? Piconjo Dot Com!! so dont listen to a thing he says.
Thanks for reading!
As i said bfore RANDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!