Pretty good
Was that Frank the bunny from donnie darko?, but really good for a 1st, do another
My first flash movie...Take a look...
Pretty good
Was that Frank the bunny from donnie darko?, but really good for a 1st, do another
1st time
Not bad for a first go,
Not sure if it's a spoof or not. If not, uh-oh.
This wasn't entirely horrible, but close. The main character looks absolutley rediculous, like san rio's bad batz maru with a cut body - and his enemy is a rabbit. I'm guessing this isn't meant to be humorous though. If you're going for a teenage mutant ninja turtle animal warrior thing, your characters simply have to look cooler. The art really holds this story back.
The voice is horrible. Very forced and awkward, but I'm sure that will improve with time.
All could have been saved if there was anything whatsoever gripping about the film, but it was all cliche.
Sorry, but move on and try harder in your next one.
Nice graphics.
Ok story, sorta cheasey voice for the nerator though, the lines were cheasey too. Practis writeing short storys. I think all you need is practis! PS: Too long, kinda draged on A while, and you need A Pre-loader. ^_-
it's good
I liked it except "his enemy" just looked like an angry bunny rabbit. You also might want to make it a litlle quicker for the people (like me) with short atention spans.