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Kommando 5 (DVD)

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This episode features a Prison cell shootout, a hand to hand fight in a corridor, and a snowmobile chase, all in smooth shape-tweened (rather than my crappy fbf from before) 3D stick action.
Quite a lot of time went into this, so please review, and also tell me what you think of the Kommando store and official site etc. I'll reply to evey review


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Ok first a knife can not go through a human skull, unless going mach 0.5 battle scences suck. synching sucked. TERRIBLE PUNS! and the bosses hair mixed in with the background. One good point : SYSTEM OF A DOWN RULES! Blood sucked. Gun holding sucked and the guy who had his leg cut off... IT WOULD HAVE BARLEY SCRACTHED HIM!! True rating -200,000,000,000,000

johnm831 responds:

It's not a human skull, silly...and it didn't cut his leg off, it did just scratch. Stick people bleed easily, as you can see from watching stick animations all over the internet.

Also, how come just using SOAD gets me an instant 10/10 for sound? I mean, it's not like I wrote the song myself.

Thanks for the review anyway.

You've just wasted 5 minutes of my time

This wasn't very good. The voice acting was.... well.... terrible. The script could also do with major work. The 'action' scenes were horrible, because Pretty much all of them were either based off Xiao Xiao or the Matrix.
I can also tell you didnt do the 3D parts either. I can tell because if you can't animate anything other than stick figures in 2D, how on eath did you animate in 3D?

johnm831 responds:

I feel pretty sorry for the guy who did the voices by now. IMHO, looking back on this animation it was the scripting that let the speech down, not the acting. Yeah, I've learnt to be self-critical sometime in the past year ;)

As for the actions scenes, they were inspired by stuff like The Matrix and Xiao Xiao and I'm not ashamed to say that. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and I always try to give it my own kind of style (whether that's a good thing or not), I mean 90% of blockbuster movies are cheaper rips of each other nowadays.

As for the 3D parts, yes I did animate them. As far as I'm concerned these animations are open-source on request for anyone who wants the orginal files. The 3D was all done in Swift 3D, using a mixture of vector and raster renders, put together and syncd in flash.

Remember, there's a difference between original artwork and animation. I suck at art. I can draw geomtric style environments, but I can't draw characters at all, hence my use of sticks. Animation is a seperate issue. Sure, sticks are easier to animate, but give me a fully drawn character in the right format and I could give a decent shot at animating it. All the 3D in the animation consists of very simple geometric shapes (primitives) and extrusions of 2D shapes, so the modelling was pretty simple.

Anyway, thanks for the review :)

Boooo you suck!

WTF!!?? Shut up bitch! Luke (from starwars) you are smelly!
You suck moonloon! (shoo fly)

johnm831 responds:

Hmm I've never seen such a zanily hilarious review. Wait there while I e-mail it to all my friends.

lol, getting better

theregetting betterman but seriously, who didthoses voices like the stiffest viooce actor IN THEWORLD!?!?!?

johnm831 responds:

I blame the idiot who wrote the script...

Needs a lil work

If you could improve the graphics and make the animations look more realistic it would look better. and work on the mouths, when they talked it looked hilarious (not in a good way). But if you can improve that'd be sweet.

johnm831 responds:

Thanks for the review. Yeah, never could be bothered with the whole lip-syncing thing.

Credits & Info

3.07 / 5.00

Mar 31, 2005
5:36 AM EST