For the sake of all the fans...
Important! there's a secret button after the credits which will let you view outtakes, my only clue is it's near my email address after the credits.
It's finally here, it took me ages. Anyway if you have not seen the first one, watch it before you watch this one to fully understand everything. Anyway hope you enjoy!
For the sake of all the fans...
The adventure is getting better I can't wait for the next one!
C'mon, Please?
Alright, so I read one of the reviews on this particular flash, and one said you gave up on this. People love this series! I think it's freakin' hilarios, and you have good ratings on this, so, plz, do NOT be like Scoot Wookos! (alright, how did I get from SSBA to UO? Sorry, ignore that if you want) But, honestly, it's a good series and I think that you should continue. And I KNOW that I'm not the only one begging for the next installment. So, I'm going to type it one more time. PLZ!
they wont make another
ive been waiting two years for a ten minute sequal...the creator gave, up face
plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plzzzzzzzzzzzzz make pt.3