good game
maybe you could quiet down the explosions a bit, and add more enemy types, or some powerups.
A cool Space Genre type game I made using the Ultimate Tutorial... The point is too try and get as many points as possible. If you die..the points reset. Post your highest score if you review. My first game and huge credit to SOK for help making the game. Enjoy!
good game
maybe you could quiet down the explosions a bit, and add more enemy types, or some powerups.
I'd love to see limited bullets instead,
(hold ctrl and things turn out weird),
- Ruku
Nice start
Nice start to a decent game. One thing you gota learn how to do is make action scripted boarders which isnt that hard because without them you can jsut fly right off the screen forever. But not so far keep workin at it
In space, no one can hear you scream
But I'm going to damn well scream anyway. Seriously, this a pretty low quality thing you've got here. I would have waited to submit something worthwhile. The incoming objects hit the ship when they don't even seem to be touching, and the endlessness of it doesn't make it interesting in the least, so no high score for you. The ship movement is too simple, even for space. And what is that cursor doing on the screen after the menu? This will probably be deleted. Try harder next time.
I doubt it will be blammed...but I do agree..I didn't really need to submit this. Now that I think of it, I don't know why I did lol. oh well if I ever make a decent game Maybe I'll submit that.
Not really a point, and very repetitive...
I'm sorry, but there wasn't really a point to this game, and it was just the same thing over and over again. The graphics and sound were OK, but the game just totally sucked. Try adding a story, and making a point to the game.
well, that was the point.