nice trailer, looks like it'll be a great animation when its finished.
Update: Ok forgive me for being frustrated, but how hard is it to understand that this movie IS FINSISHED AND ON NEWGROUNDS. How else would I have reviews in the trailer. It even says "NOW VIEWABLE ON NEWGROUNDS.COM". how much more obvious can it get. Once again, forgive me for being frustrated.
I just downloaded the new version of flash, Macromedia Flash 2004. So to test it out, i threw this together. Hopefully it will get people to watch the full movie, which is on this site. Enjoy.
nice trailer, looks like it'll be a great animation when its finished.
looks kool. release the actual movie
Very well done
It was nice to see a real trailer type promo for a movie on NG. I also loved the choice of classic NG background music.
Good setup!
Good combination between the sound and images. Loved the pause at the beginning and then the gunshot which made it so like a movie trailer. Well done!
Graphics - Superb!
Style - Amazing - Ass N Titty Directing - that was some very skillfull shit man, nice job! That's how trailers are supposed to be done.
Sound - I agree with the other user, the music is over-used. Although it didn't bother me all that much! because it went well. Also in the credits you marked that Hans Zimmer and Harry Gregsons Williams did the music when infact it neither!
Violence - ofcourse excellent!
Humor - I thought this was funny (not LOL funny) but just because it's a spoof off trailers, I know spoofing trailers isnt original, but this was great! I liked it!