Damn, this is still really good. . .it's a shame the website is a virus now
Hi there... Well I made another music video. This time based on my OWN series, called Tail Chasers. A cycle racer action series with characters based on friends I've met over my life. it also has original characters too, however I was unable to fit all of them in this one minute video, maybe I'll make another based on the full song, but I dunno. I'm spent. Enjoy!
Damn, this is still really good. . .it's a shame the website is a virus now
This is so fucking cool!! Even for it’s time this is extremely impressive!
Bruh this looks much better than most movies of its time
that was a sick ass movie
i seriously miss this series and would like to know what has become of it. 10yrs later and I still think this trailer is amazballz also the song continues to be catchy. what must I do to encourage a continuation of this possible masterpiece that never was? I'd like to know the song title too.