Great game
That was nice! Good music and levels. I think it would be better if cecil's jumps werent so high and the map a little bigger, because i aways die by jumping on a monster =/...
keep up with the good job you can do it!
There are som "Notes" In-game, read them!
btw, I'm sorry about the filesize, couln't do anything about it...
Just a little regular platform game, staring Cecil(FF4)
I don't think it's hard, but i am also hardcore to platformgames. Anyway, it's not hard:)
(the game is made with hitTest(), so stuff sometimes looks a little weird)
Great game
That was nice! Good music and levels. I think it would be better if cecil's jumps werent so high and the map a little bigger, because i aways die by jumping on a monster =/...
keep up with the good job you can do it!
Work would work.
Since I like to help aspiring game creators, here is my input for the game.
1- You should work on your sripts and the area of each character sprite. Cecil dies when he's an inch away from a monster.
2- Find some FF4 background sprites and use those.
3- Work on the health system. Try health instead of lives that make you respawn automatically.
Hope this helps!
I used hitTest, and that explains it...
im currently learning getBounds, which should be better..
thanks for the tips
it doesn't work
you get sent back to the begginnin once you get near the end!
also it is extremely stuttery and slow. I have seen much better than this. I wish i was there when this was trying to get into the portal because then i could have blammed you. Seriously the portal must have been full of lunatics then!
Send back to the beginning?
what are you talking about!?
u die, and get teleported to the start position. if u become gameover, then u need a password, which is in the game.
lmao crap
1. the graphics sucked
2. kudos to the originality of this game
i gave you a 10 for the sound cause i love all ff games.. just not this one... although this game is worse than a blind man trying to play golf in 3 feet of snow.. ill give you some credit.. you seem like you could have some potential... but never... never submit a game without solving all the bug problems... and i gave a 10 for humor cause this game sucked so bad it made me laugh..
good day sir..
ps submit actual complete games.. THAT WORK
Just want to say a thing.. you cant beat the game, without having those bugs i have... that u should know, if u read the Notes!
it is complet, and it works fine.
btw, i do have some potential:) I was master programmer in the warcraft 3 editor:)
Collision Immenent.
I'm sorry, I can tell you took a some time on that but it it quite crap. The collision detection is some of the worst I've ever seen. I never did make it past the first level. I'd rather play Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest
What did you expect? i used hitTest:)