God, I hated school! And this is so true! Anyways, I liked the flash. The teachers one string of hair moving was funny. And how can you beat a brick through the window! Kick ass!
This is probly my best flash so far. I'm disipointed in the lack of sound. But my time in minamal before I could submit this. Also the beginning is kinda slow, i know, but it still moves along. Like only 0.05% of the movie really happend and that was the paper being tooken away. But just that isn't funny so i hade to spice it up. I hope you enjoy.
God, I hated school! And this is so true! Anyways, I liked the flash. The teachers one string of hair moving was funny. And how can you beat a brick through the window! Kick ass!
What now?
Its a good attempt, but next time, spell check everything please.
I wouldn't call it blown out of proportion if he just imagined killing the teacher, if it was blown out of proportion then your friend has an incredibly boring life... with that said, its so much more than i have ever done in flash... so good job so far.
Pretty tight
I really liked it, I think that with sound it would own even more.
It's okay
The graphics needs some work, the music was alright, the story pretty funny to me anyways, keep working on it.
Brick through the window...Hell yes
It's good that your friend didn't kill anybody. It's also good that your friend smashed the teacher's window (in my opinion). In a perfect world, everybody would get exactally what they deserve. And I'm sure this would result in a lot of broken windows.