funky old skool flash animation. but shouldn't this be taken down since it used unoriginal music without permission from Led Zep?!?
funky old skool flash animation. but shouldn't this be taken down since it used unoriginal music without permission from Led Zep?!?
Ok Good! :)
Well, maybe not one the BEST movies it's not THAT bad to watch a tad boring but decently animated at least. Ending was kinda wtf but still trust me it could be a LOT worse.
Not to mention I toatally forgot when armour games was called Games of Gondour.
But yeah overall it was okay
I quite liked it, the drawings were really good but I think that the music was pretty random for a lord of the rings parody.
Great artwork....
I loved the artwork here, and the theme is unbeatable: ORCS!
The animation was lacking at some parts though, I felt like we the viewers deserved to see at least some of the hacking and slashing and fighting.... But nevertheless, I liked it.