LOL - Fucking true.
You can't be anymore right.
5/5 for hitting the nail on the head, and then I'll sue someone for hitting my own hand !!
This was merely something I put together a few months ago, before I mugged someone for a graphics tablet. It's a spoof compensation claims advertisment. Slightly exaggerated events unfold...
LOL - Fucking true.
You can't be anymore right.
5/5 for hitting the nail on the head, and then I'll sue someone for hitting my own hand !!
not too bad movie, not my type, but it was good entertainment though.
Pretty neat.
It's kinda funny. It reminds me of all those lawyer commercials on tv.
great job
i liked the blood and gore lol a paper shredder to the face is a very funny subject... ne ways i enjoyed the movie
3/5 :)
REally wierd