wrap it up!
I've seen snails move faster than this flash did.
A very emotionally Deep movie. sit back. breathe. relax. think.
wrap it up!
I've seen snails move faster than this flash did.
snails can move at 100fps? nice.
to odd for me
It's supposed to be deep, and to some thats odd, its all good.
soprry but.........
it was way too slow boring and you could hardly see the images. And it wa just basically pictures moving and fading into the backgreound. Can you make somet more exciting in the future so ppl don't get v bored?
I can understand how you would get bored, however to get the point across about the important things in life to make it faster would seem to decrease the significance for such an important subject.
Not Too Bad
I've seen worse here. Graphics are refreshing, although I would probably bring your transparencies up a little more so they can be seen a little easier. Kinda slow and i did get bored kinda quick. Still a good piece that can be made better with a few tweaks.
;p thanks, I worked a long time on the graphics trying to get them just right with my style, I also got use out of my wacom tablet.. finally! lol
Was that movie about being stoned or high. Thgat was so pointless.
If your stoned or high you'll enjoy it alot more lol but the point of it was to reflect the significant parts of life, and being stoned is sometimes one of those so good thinking. ;p