I hated that! But the graphics were good, and the sound was great, but it just plan sucked, no idea where that shit came from, but it sucked! But for putting effert and having great sound i give you a 7
It's strange a set out to make some spoof of Resident Evil 1, mixed it with a bunch of random shit and came up with this....very strange indeed. But I do love Wesker xD.
I hated that! But the graphics were good, and the sound was great, but it just plan sucked, no idea where that shit came from, but it sucked! But for putting effert and having great sound i give you a 7
Man a 7 is good...you should give lower ratings if you hate it.
Are you kiddin' me!
There was no fuckin' point to that stuff it was bad. I never saw shit when that happened. All they did was talk about a plan and that's tha piece of shit it is.
Short, not very amusing. Don't watch.
Not so great...animation was pretty good, but it wasn't funny. It was very short, and other than the title and the clothes of the people, you couldn't tell it was Resident Evil. And the "zombie" cried like a baby...what the hell was with that? I think the last reviewer was too easy on this one. I recommend "Resident Evil For Retards."
with a little more plot the best RE parody yet!!
Yeah, you're right it is quite random and yes the scally does rule the day in this one. I laughed my ass off, and the wesker voice was quality too. I also liked the KOL song and thing it might be worth it to go and grab their album right now (of course not by moving my ass from this seat ;)). Keep up the good work!
Nice work, any sequels on the cards?
Thanks for the review.
And yes, A bigger Resident Evil project is on the cards. I suggest you go watch my "Clockident Evil" clock animations on my SunChipsClock alt.
well done funny random and totaly worth watching i love the chav i think that is the funnyiest thing on there and you have chosen good music