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Adobe photoshop tut

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this is my adobe photo shop tut this will teach you some cool effects
1.digital flesh
2. matrix
3. lightning effect
4. galaxy
5. 3d button
6. remove eye
7. change eye color
8. stamp effect
and there all really kool
and please vote fairly and look at some of the stuff and this is my first flasj thingy. and if ppl like this then ill make another but with greater detail

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Kinda Good....

The tutorial provided some information that was very important to a photoshop novice. The on thing wrong with this tutorial was the "It hurts when I poopy" sign.


Good tut, shame about the pink writing
it covers up some of the main stuff! :@

It's ok

You did give some good pointers for the people who don't know photoshop. I saw you told the last reviewer this is for the latest version. I still think that putting what version this is for in the flash or author comments would help, because we all know Adobe will come out withh a newer version eventually.

RomanDavronInc responds:

eh thx for reviewing all my flashes :D and this adobe is for adobe photoshop CS1

good but...

this didnt help me very much because i think i might have teh (my spelling) wrong photoshop im using 6.0 whats this for? PLEASE REPLY!

RomanDavronInc responds:

the newest version of adobe photoshop... just google it up and get a free trial

Good Stuff

Well you gave a tutorial for a cool looking button but yet you had stupid buttons.Anyway I gave you a one for humor because spelling errors are funny if they're read the way they're spelled.

RomanDavronInc responds:

heh i didnt really kare about the spelling ty for 7/10

Credits & Info

3.12 / 5.00

Mar 12, 2005
8:02 PM EST