that was really creepy and really sad. maybe if you changed the voice so it isnt low and scary, it would be better.
A short 1min film about world that no longer has a day, it is only one of my first full movies, so i hope you like it
that was really creepy and really sad. maybe if you changed the voice so it isnt low and scary, it would be better.
I have to say that the setup was good, but the execution was lacking. I would say, use the same story, just make it longer.
This was abit strange and very short, the characters could use some work like more style and detail within them, you also want to make it longer with more content, it went by so fast i wasent sure what exactly was going on, it seemed sorta sci-fi which was cool, just wish it was longer and more better visualy, anyways nice job, hope to see more soon....
I hope this is some sort of into or something cause its awful, buuut keep tryinglike meeeee
I knida liked that...
It was a bit short, but i like the direction you were going with it.
Keep at it, i imagine your artwork and your stories will only get better.
P.S. - Thanks for using my track!