Os gringos xingando porque não entenderam a mensagem. :P
"In war, retaliation goes like an Atari game... it never ends"
Don't think it is humour because it has graphics and sounds taken from old school vg. The point is "war sucks and counter-attack just make things worse". If some people laughed watching the plane crashing, bombing Baghdad made some politicians laugh too. This will never end.
English text version will be done as soon as i get back the editable file.
Os gringos xingando porque não entenderam a mensagem. :P
Why the fuck would you support terrorism in this way? If you can't see the links to terrorism watch it again. What do the planes crash into? Looks soooo much like september the 11th. And the person got points for kidnapping, killing and blowing the shit out of hospitals. People like you sicken me.
((( OK )))
I guess this was atari in flash version or something, kinda cute but not much to it, the sounds and visuals were ool, kinda takes me back hehe, but also this flash loops, so you may want to invest into adding a stop-action code so that it doesnt loop over and over, anyways it was alright...
boa mensagem
sou um brasileiro, tenho um atari e a mensagem foi ótima. e você tem razão. o jogo de atari nunca termina! fico jogndo ele por horas esperando acabar mas nada de game over e só olho praquela tela quadrada com pixels quadrados sem fazer nada. mas você deu um lição em todos nós, brasileiros, americanos, enfim, em todos. porque temos que parar a guerra mundial
Let me just say this. I am a fourteen year old who has his life planned out already. When I get out of high school I am hoping to get into the Air Force Academy. I know I am a patriot and am already willing to die for my country, but people who are being killed by terrorists might not be. I truly believe that this was unneccessary to show on Newgrounds, maybe in your own little sadistic group of neo-nazis but not on Newgrounds where this is viewed by people who might have had loved ones killed by those over-zealous bastards.