Dude that is awsome
Man i gota learn how to animate that good!
Hi my names Chris, this is somthing i started...ages ago and never finished, as you can see. Not sure why i submitted but you can watch this anyway, since I'm cool like that.
Dude that is awsome
Man i gota learn how to animate that good!
good for what it is
the visual effects were pretty cool, like in the beginning with the zooming in on the gun and such. for a stick fighter flash, this wasn't bad. however, i might suggest putting in an end of some sort, instead of letting the thing loop around and around until someone closes the window. at first i had thought, when the first scene on the building started again, that it was just another fight in the same area, but then it wasn't. it would be nice to know when it actually ends. also, very short.
--duck out
Kick ass man!!!
That is one kick ass good stick fighter!!
by the way....great name too
OMG that was so mother frieking awesome... I must learn thoses way in which you work... anywayz that Was !#$@$%! awesome! THe Samurai part fucking rocked the most...
not bad
it was alright, but it could've been longer though.