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PA20's Showcase 2

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In this showcase, of which is my second one, I put a lot more animation shorts in it than the last. In addition to the animations, I've also added a section including quite a few of my hand drawn pictures. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting this together!

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((( COOL )))

Well this was neat, i like how there is lots of different styles to checkout, and the animation was neat, FBF is not my thing but this really was some nice FBF, a well made flash which i would love to see more soon, so nice work keep it up...



Those were great FBF animtions. lol My favorite was the puking hand thing, his expression was perfect. Well from reading other reviews I see you're making a "feature flash" so I won't bother asking. Look forward to it for sure!

pretty sweet!!!

that was cool, you should make something feature lingth

PA20omanoman responds:

As a matter of fact, I am right now! I'm trying to restrain from releasing any information about it until I'm done, though.

Very Kool

Ilove Drawing loadsa like anime and stuff, but i can't use flash its so hard to understand :( also is that dragon u drew from the front cover of eragon? plz message back!

good potenchal

thats it you have alot of potenchal and some good animation skills. i think if you have a good plot you will have a amazing series, so good luck.

Credits & Info

4.36 / 5.00

Mar 5, 2005
1:02 PM EST