its a good laugh
i dont know theres sth missing but it still is funny and a great consept:) liked the extras aswell especially the second theme song!
its a good laugh
i dont know theres sth missing but it still is funny and a great consept:) liked the extras aswell especially the second theme song!
definitely potential
nice preloader and disclaimer. voice was strange. "randomly hired people" nice. some okay jokes in there
thanks, its just trying to be funny, and you should probably read or hear the whole siclaimer and see the extras if you didnt
not too bad, could've been longer though.
ya, im thinking of making another comercial, but it would be like two comercials in the movie. you did listen to the 2 minute disclaimer? ^_^
man that was crappy as hell it had no point......................................................
....hooooo man if ur gonna make another make it hella different than this one
eitther your a total idiot with poo 4 brains or you have high expectations, but i suspect its the first ^_^
were can i get this magical product. you dumb ass!
can i get pretty please, please not! you know what ithink (fkbgwr8gmvkbp9gnyubnibguv jdfbvmuhgbvidfnvgybvgfv) typing that was more entertaining all i heard was blah de blah de blah i'm a fuck face. DON'T GIVE UP YOUR DAY JOB ASSHOLE!
1. I dont have a job 2. slkghjs;doghimjsr;otyvsjiry and 3. Your pretty stupid, you know that?