try gettin iwhbyd and y u pick easiest 2 find?
This is one of many skull movies that will be submitted. This isn't about art, it's about exposing hiddne skulls. So if you have no interest in Halo 2 or skulls don't watch.
try gettin iwhbyd and y u pick easiest 2 find?
even though i already knew how 2 get that skull, this was still pretty good, Xept 4 the graphics, but there supposed 2 B like that wen u use camra video things... BUT WTF ? THAT WAS THE EASYEST, SHORTEST,SKULL 2 FIND, Y DONT U TRY 2 GET THE SKULL IN METROPOLISES, SURE ITS HARD IN THE CAVE THING BUT ALL I DID WAS BRING DA FRIGGEN TANK IN THER AND BLASTED THOSE FOO'S UP... it was pretty easy, BUT GOOD LUCK GETTING PAST THE SNIPERS, SUPER ELITES, SUPER GRUNTS, and theres an easy way i got past the wrath and ghost, but no time, IT WAS HELL BUT I DID IT, AND IM ONLY 13 YEARS OLD
Well, That was alright but why did you choose such an easy skull to get. You should pick harder ones.
It's Not Really That "Stupid"
While your points may be valid when you state that it's not an actual flash movie, am I the only one that noticed the "This is one of many skull movies that will be submitted."?
That implies that he's going to make several more skull movies, and several people stated that they didn't know about the skull before now.
Bashing him for making a movie about something that "everyone" knows about is pointless.
I love Halo
I love Halo...
:evil: You are so cool that you know how to get the blind skull...I wanna be just like you....Not....You are dumb nobody wants to see what they see nwith their own eyes you bitch...Fuck you and your fucking mind....you think that you are cool and you think ppl don't know about it so you have to tell them how...Everyone knows you fag.