Whack-a-whatever is always fun.
Nice game. I like the slight 3d look to the capsule things. Although I must admit that the hampster dance song makes me want to hit hampsters(it might just be because I'm evil.), instead of just the peg-things.
Note: This game is not stolen, I have just remastered my old game by fixing a few small things and adding some new elements.
Whack-a-whatever is always fun.
Nice game. I like the slight 3d look to the capsule things. Although I must admit that the hampster dance song makes me want to hit hampsters(it might just be because I'm evil.), instead of just the peg-things.
If you decide to keep the Official Hamster Dance, which I recommend, then maybe you should replate the capsules with gerbils or hamsters. That would make it pretty cool...
not bad
Could use a restart button though or something of the kind.
its good...
try finding a different song other than the Hamster Dance song...
...that or make whack a hamster...
kinda hard
This doesn't give a lot of area to hit the blocks. It's like it's cramped it a small space and does not have enough room to click it. Work to fix this and it should be okay.