Holden Would Break Down If He Viewed This
Holden Caulfield would not have sounded anything like your depiction. You make him sound PHONY. Those familiar with the popular novel, as I am, will understand what little you've done with this medium. "F" for the sound.
And what's with Danny DeVito as the cabbie from this snippet of dialog? Vintage TV's "Taxi"? Wrong decade. "C" for attempt at humor.
The other snippet of dialog (from the Cliff Notes version, no doubt) you chose is not well related to the first, making it seem randomly chosen. "D" for continuity
Apparently, you were influenced only by what your English teacher highlighted in class "discussion" of Holden's psychoanalysis. "C"
Glad to see no stupid violence. "A" on that count.
Overall, a "C" would be generous.