omg im so serious im not lieing i peed my fucking pants
This is just a quick Flash I whipped up. Hope you like it.
omg im so serious im not lieing i peed my fucking pants
that was fucken funny you fucken got me there my heart jumped. lol shit now i have to go take a piss
Its alrite.
I'm going to be honest with you. I didnt even jump. it was a funny scream though
Wow, that was almost as bad as your love video....
Maybe you should take less time making SHIT, and more time making a decent f-ing animation so I don't have to sit through your SHIT.
Not really, seriously, quit submitting these little flashes and hurry up and get "to slow" done...NOW!!!
lol, I was wondering how long it would take for you to notice that I submitted this
soooooooooooo original
I can't believe how you could take a loud noise and blurt it out after a long quiet moment of soft gentle music. Oooooooooh I wish I could've thought of that. Or anyone else could of thought of that. I'm sooooo impressed by your all powerful originality. ...........................................................
................. BOO!!!!
See it works in text as well.
Sorry for being such an ass, but I have my ass'sh moments.
Next time you should work on remaking you "love" movie. Put better art and animation in it along with shading, music and such.