I know you all enjoy Animutations, right?
Yay! Lucky Lucky!
I really have forgotten how prolific you were with these! It was especially great to see Crow and Tom Servo. Anything with those two is wonderful! I know this is a Pokémon song. I believe it was actually sung by James or someone. This music is quite soothing.
It's great to see how these animutation characters would become popular. Homer Simpson and Ronald McDonald are both big characters. A pity you don't see these here anymore. Superman looked good too! It's just a very enjoyable old cartoon.
I don't think this is my choice of video so i'm going to stop watching your videos. Sorry.
My IQ gone down by 120 points now, now bad for doing totally random shit =D.
The Crushy Potato
That sounds gooooooooooooodah! that muscular guy is partially from UHF right/ good movie rly. kool song