Oh why?
There are some things wrong with this flash. I would like them pointed out. Constuctive critism please. Tell me what you think. This is a movie about Platyhelminthes(flatworm
s flukes and tapeworms). This is for a class I'm taking. Sorry for the sound.
fixed somethings but im not changing the voice acting. The four classes are wrong and some pronunciation
Oh why?
not bad
it was alright. interesting title name too.
actually very good
The only suggestion that I would make is to break the voice-over into sections and do them one section at a time.
Listen to the section and if it sounds bad or if there is an error re-do it. Try saying the information with as much authority and certainty as possible. Try saying each sentence as if you are saying "I am certain this is the absolute indisputable truth."
The flash was alright. I give you some points for good pictures, granted they were flatworms. I lost interest in there somewhere.
Try starting the flash out with a little intro that tells what will be covered, Then sum it up at the end repeating what information was relayed.
In short: Good Job.
I didn't Need to Know This!
Why? Thats all. Just What in your right mind caused you to Submit this? Its Decent, and doesn;t get blamed, But WTF was on your mind when you submitted this. Oh And its Not Even Done! You missed the Other 3 Classes of "Worms" wehter they be fluke, psudo.... or Flat ...whatevers, you still showed 4 clases but only discussed 1, now i'm going to have to go and find out just exactly WTF you where talking about. Damn inquizitive minds..
Not bad at all.
Not bad at all. It's very well thought out (or at least appears so) and rather informative. If you're seeking critism, there were really only three things that bothered me. There was some errors in over-lapping, where you talk about the four different types of flatworms. I also felt that you left the screen black for too long (a couple of seconds at most, but still too long of a pause) in a few areas, such as after where you mention that planerians (forgive my bad spelling) are carniverous. Lastly I would work somewhat on how you speak. You've got a good presentation and plenty of information, but you pause somewhat in your pronunciation of longer words (which could be rehearsed before recording) and you seem to drone on with a rather un-intertained and bored voice, which can transfer to your listeners, who in turn feel bored. If you speak with a strong and entertained voice, you can keep your audience's attention much longer and keep them from becoming bored faster.
Okay, now that I've listed out all of the flaws, I'd like to say, you incorporate humor subtally into your presentation though various imagry in the background, which is a rather affective form of keeping your audience entertained and keeping their attention. Another thing I liked about this was that your animation skills are good enough to make this an entertaining film, even for some random person up late such as I. All in all, it's a good piece of work and for an educational piece, it's one of the better I've seen in a while. Good luck with your project.