wow, that was good. thats the bestsprite animation ive seen ever!
Wll not so big but big enough! i used 17 days on this(New Record). It turned out to be pretty good!! Runs in 35fps!
wow, that was good. thats the bestsprite animation ive seen ever!
fast text? wtf are you talking about?!
dude i think you just read really slow, cuz i had no problem...and calling the maker a retard because of your retardation, that's being retarded, got a quote for ya, "hukd on fonix wirx fur mi" get it...
LOL! you rule dude!
luigi died haha
anyway dont make the text go so fast because retards do that then you cant read it all o and put some music in there too
Are you calling em a retard??
Nooo! Luigi!!
You killed Luigi!! How could you!! Anyways, freakin funny. A bit quiet though. A bit of music may have helped. Also the text disappeared to quickly sometimes. Keep the text up a bit longer and add some music and you'll have it. But great anyway.
Well more than great, hey I just got five starman in reality and i'm not traviling time this movie lied,YOU LIER!!!