not bad animation, but i did like the drawings in this movie. they were pretty good.
This was either my 4th or 5th flash, I can't remember, please leave reviews!
not bad animation, but i did like the drawings in this movie. they were pretty good.
Not bad
This wasn't bad, i liked especially how it started out.
Nice little short.
I think the sound overall went well with it, the graphics are alright but you could improve upon them a little.
When the creepy music started playing, i think the colors were still too bright, try darkening up a lil.
But good job.
okay, i'm not really pleased with the colours either
It's ok but you can do better
the graphics were good, the animation was smooth and generally well done. The story was good but you really need to add a good plot in there, otherwise it wont get a score over 3. The idea is good, not very original, but good. Keep it up.
Thank you!
As a fan of the series, I must say this was the best Evil Dead tribute I've seen. It's suspensful and original.
You should make a series.
bruce campbell hates you for this... spelling errors abound in the intro... he did not no not uv wut he wuz doeng rong bcuz he cood not spel a werd ovr for leterz looooooong.... yeah i think that somes it up... this flash was crap, may the army of darkness tear your soul to pieces for this craptastic venture in stupidity.