OMGWTF Awesome
Ahahaha, that's awesome. I love stick figures, and the drawing thing was just genius. Bravo.
OMGWTF Awesome
Ahahaha, that's awesome. I love stick figures, and the drawing thing was just genius. Bravo.
Not bad
Cool, I ;like the style :P
And yet, not altogether unentertaining...
Not bad...
Uh...well, this is gonna be a toughie.
I liked the animation..the different tools and such, it gave it an interesting feel.
As for the was a bit lacking.
The guy and girl stick figures blasting off on the end, and the Yahoo Chat style text was a little lame...
I hope that rocket was aimed at the sun...because two less people using those slang terms on the internet is a start in my books.
Keep it did a good job, just needed a bit more thought and should have been a bit longer.
hee hee hee how cute!
this was cute. i love stick animation and this was a new one. very original haveine the pencil there and then at the end, having the paper crumble up(which is a waist of paper by the way, lol j/k). i gave this a 5/5. you rock my socks!