what was that?... whell better than mines...
Another day, and another Daily Toon. DailyToon02042005 is the 97th Daily Toon! We are approaching the weekend of the 100th Daily Toon, and it sure is going to be a good one, i assure you.
Todays tooners are Chrome-, Mp3_Lock, Yuk4, and a new comer to Dailytoons, wazup190.
Enjoy the daily toon. I know I will. Menu music by AC/DC. If you have never heard the song before, or dont know what it's called, you deserve to be shot. kthx.
what was that?... whell better than mines...
Once again I will say, I love checking out some of the older submissions. You get points for having a preloader, a menu, awesome music. The graphics are'nt stunning, but they are better than a lot of the shit that gets submitted even nowadays. I certainly think this deserves a better score than it has. 3/5 and 7/10. Cheers, GJ.
fuc u
earlier in the series i made a remark about elephant turd
you replied with a remark about my father
i was just mad that day
theyare all great!
and im not white... or my father
The longer you watch the last one, the funnier it becomes. I am not lying either.
plz answer the one question that puzzles us all
1. How do these make it past the judges (us)?
2. Do you have a life?
3. There are occasionaly good animations in these, why not just make a GOOD flash that takes i dont know maybe more than 3 minutes to make?
4. You've read the reviews why do you continue to make these if you know that you're wasting your time?
I gave graphics a 5 cuz the only good think was Yuk4. Mp3 look was stupid but better than the others. I gave style a 0 cuz this is the 97th piece of shit (what u might call flash) that u have submitted to the once admirable newgrounds that u defiled. I gave sound a 7 cuz everyone likes AC/DC but that noise on chrome- pissed me off. Violence a ten because i have never felt so much pain from notbeing able to prevent further abuse of newgrounds. I gave interactivity a 0 cuz all i did was fucking press play and then the titles. I gave humor a 0 because i used to laugh at how bad these were but now it just makes me sick to watch this crap. And last I gave you a 1 overall because you are the only "flash" artist i know who is willing to waste his life away by making 100 pieces of crap and spending time he could use to be useful to earth. In conclusion, I think you suck. I think your a bad flash artist. I dont have flash and I think i'd make a better flash than u ever could. You have no creativity and you're annoying. However you like ac/dc but that also degrades the band itself.