Another "kill x game." I kinda liked the intro with him going around the slope, but you don't really have the option to do anything besides watch the smile face blow up into red paste.
Yea I know theres no sound. Please leave a comment!
Another "kill x game." I kinda liked the intro with him going around the slope, but you don't really have the option to do anything besides watch the smile face blow up into red paste.
This is pretty terrible.
Pros -
The buttons work when you click them
Cons -
Boring game play
Game is over in under 1 minute
Both endings are identical
No sound of any kind
^^Good Points^^
The interactivity is a nice touch, and I liked the different texts you used and the overall design.
^^Needs Improving^^
The game is very boring. Your death scene is very boring...the smiley just turns red and explodes. I would suggest having mulitple different deaths that the player can choose from. The beginning could stand something exciting too. As it is now it just seems like a filler.
NIce fonts....
NIce FOnts, Shitty everything else... but i do give you credit for being one of the few new portal entries submitted today without a high quality song attached to it which causes the damn thing to be 5,000-butt-fuck K.....
Try and make it a bit longer and more worthwhile.