ok, a few items...
1. Martin Luther King was a great man, but still a man. No different from you or I. All you offer is mis-represented quotes of a man who is no longer on earth to clarify his words.
2. Dr. King fought for equal rights, & in result, The Civil Rights bill was put through the US House Of Representitaves & Senate. 84% of congressional republicans approved the Bill's passing & 56% of democrats voted to reject it. Your argument holds no value in light of this evidence.
3. US involvment in Vietnam was brought about by JFK through he incident at the Gulf of Tonkin. Our purpose in Vietnam was to stop the spread of Communism & help a revolution take place, but because of Liberal protests, we were forced to withdraw & South Vietna fell to Communism & 58,000 soldiers died in vain. Vietnam showed no agression tward the US untill we involved ourselves in their conflict.
4. Iraq, on the other hand, has called for attacks on the US many times & their human rights abuses dwarfed Vietnam.
5. In Vietnam, LBJ Re-instated a military draft, & many of our soldiers were fighting against their will. Today, In Iraq, our military is an all-volunteer force, who voted for Bush for re-election at 72%
Vietnam was a quagmire & Iraq has had many major accomplishments &, in my oppinion, we have reached a period where it has become more of a police action, in rounding up the insurgents as common criminals, not fighting a uniformed & organised army. In Vietnam, it was the other way around.
War is hell, & no one likes it, but it is nessesarry from time to time, 911 made that clear & I am in absolute awe that you, as intelligent human-beings can forget 911 so easilly.
You get a 0 for descrating the memory of a great man with your liberal propaganda & mis-quoting this nation's greatest civil-rights activist.
0/5 0/10
thumb: DOWN!!