What the hell was that about anyway? All I know is that if they do come for Bush, they wont get close. We are so much more protected than any one of us thinks. Really think about our army and how advanced we really are.
What the hell was that about anyway? All I know is that if they do come for Bush, they wont get close. We are so much more protected than any one of us thinks. Really think about our army and how advanced we really are.
If you're a militant Dubya fan that doesn't like to listen to reason, don't bother viewing any of this Author's movies. They'll just piss you off & then you'll write some kind of dumbfucked review that'll piss people like ME off.
BUT! If you're curious as to what you're government has been up to these past ten years or so, watch as many of these as you can!!
- Dalino -
fun song and to mistrocracka
if it wasnt for us, the french would be dead or speaking german, they still owe us for World War 2. and about the flash: i love a good bush bash, but i hate political nuts such as liberal douches and conservative ass-holes. apparently a lot of families also like bush. apparent more families liked bush than hated him. too bad for u the liberal douche didnt win the election. haha i like saying liberal douche. haha douche. and it just so happens that i dont get haircuts hahaha
Get A life!
Everyday I get online I see your flashes being subitted. You really need to get a life! Go outside and get some fresh air. It is not going to kill you.
Nicely done
Way to go on stealing yet another Segment from bushflash. Worst one yet by far. People join the military of their own free will ass, so why do you make it seem like they are being draged into a torrent of doom?