wow... lol
first off what he wasnt wasnt true... this war was caused by bush... bin laden only had ties to this because the bush family and laden family are friends.
when the towers go down u even see explosions helping it free fall it couldnt fall that fast on its own...
jet fuel cant burn hot enough to take it down anyways... the builder even said they designed it to be able to take several plan crashes.
after if u see in the rubble ull notice that the beams were actually cut by charges left there...
let alone LOTS of other facts like the U.N. actually did go in and report there was no "womd"
basically this was a fear tactic to make the U.S. people go to war... think about it how many times did he tell u it was because of god? how many times did he say one thing then countless times it was provin to be another way.
bush's are evil men who just want money for there corporations between oil, banks, and companys that gain profit from war.
as for the video it was great... good quotes, effect pictures and a very true plot...