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The Best Movie Ever!

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The best traits of all movies put together!

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I...LOVED IT S2 :3

Too short

Ok so this was over before it started, dont get me wrong it was Amusing and funny like with the wacky characters and random jepegs, i honestly think there was more effort in the text credits at the start, then the middle of the film, and on that note it was very short aswell, now with all that said it does need some fixes and chabges, lets start with the start of it it just started right off no play button or anything, So ad a menu screen with an actual play button so that i could catch the fun from the start, yes i know theres a replay button but it would be nicer that way, you need to ad more content, something with more of a story and such, not just random quckness but thats ok also, You did a fantastic job on the credits, i think that was pretty impressive if you ask me, Now even with that said i also thought it was too "FAST" so slow it down abit introduce some sorta story with new scenes and backrounds, along with new and wacky characters.

Make it so there is a "PLAY" button along with some sorta menu screen, dont let it just start off automaticly, you may also want much more content, and slow down the action just a tad

amusing but far too fast and short, needs some changes and upgrades


Why did you make this?

This movie is pointless, hardly animation just pictures, not worth time and definetly not the best movie ever.


talk about false advertising, what realoity do you live in where this could have EVER been called the Best movie ever, even by mistake? there was no effort put into this and very little drawing or animation.

Hmm another portal piss-take by you

Both movies I've seen by you so far are portal piss-takes, as movies they both suck, but thats what the point of them is so it's not as bad as it could be. I'm now convinced you used this trick to submit crap to the portal and not get it blammed, lol, nicely done.

Credits & Info

4.14 / 5.00

Jun 14, 2000
3:36 AM EDT